Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So I watch MTV's The Hills like every monday and I was shocked when I found out about Heidi and Spencer got married over Thanksgiving in Mexico.  I mean could she have picked a more insensitive husband ever!!! 

I am super mad about this decision...then my roommate had to go and tell me that he proposed on a bench over a text message! How romantic!!

anyways so now her mother has talked with US weekly and told them exactly how she feels! which now she is trying to deny...whatever she knows she hates him!! as spencer would call her "Stalker Mom"!  you did good!

Kell Bell

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Britney Spears dropped her new album

So Circus BS new album dropped yesterday 2.2.08 which also happens to be her birthday.  Reviews on the web are giving her a thumbs up for a good album, now lets just hope she can keep up the good work and put on a good concert.  

Her mtv show was a hit as well, and it gave an insightful view of her daily life which I would never want to be a part of.  She explains a lot and answers a lot of hard questions every one has been dying to know about.

check out her reviews at clicking the link above.